The White Cross – A near-buried socket stone of a boundary cross at Tydd St Mary
Parish/DistrictTydd St Mary/South Holland
Locationon a roadside verge 80m north of Poultry Farm
CategoryBoundary cross
National Grid RefTF 41873 18579
Stone TypeLimestone
RefsAP Survey 28 June 1995; Davies, D S, 1915, Lincs N & Q, Vol XIII No.6, p.222
VisitsAP: 28 June 1995 | DS/HH: Not Visited

There is the buried socket stone of a boundary cross (known as the White Cross or Sutton Cross) on a roadside verge (which is the parish boundary) 80m north of Poultry Farm on Draw Dike between Sutton St James and Tydd St Mary.

Alison reported (1995) that this socket stone was almost entirely buried with only c. 50mm of its upper surface visible. An NMR record (1965) notes ‘The base is now covered by a pile of road gravel’. Davies was luckier in 1915 – He records that the socket stone is 12½” (0.32m) high and ‘On one side of the base there is a raised design nearly half moon in shape’.

Alison records the buried socket stone as about 0.7m square with a soil-filled socket 0.31m x 0.32m. A groove or slot had been cut from the socket to the outer edge.

The stone has wear patterns that show it is often driven over by agricultural vehicles.

Tydd St Mary – The buried socket stone of The White Cross on a roadside verge
Tydd St Mary (2) White Cross

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