Mumby churchyard cross
Parish/DistrictMumby/East Lindsey
Locationsouth east of the south porch of St Thomas of Canterbury’s church
CategoryChurchyard cross
National Grid RefTF 51569 74410
Designationscheduled / listed II
Stone TypeLimestone
RefsA P Survey 14 June 1995; Davies, D S, 19156, Lincs N & Q, Vol XIII No.6, p.174
VisitsAP: 14 June 1995 | DS/HH: 29 Sept 2005

The base of a cross and part of the shaft in the churchyard of St Thomas of Canterbury’s church at Mumby.

The socket stone is now partly buried with c.0.33m above the present ground surface. The socket stone is c.0.86m square – the upper part of the stone is octagonal in section with moulded corners and is deeply chamfered along the upper edge.

A portion of shaft (c.0.33m square and 1.15m high) is set into the socket stone. It is nearly square in section at the base rising through moulded and chamfered corners to a  tapering octagonal section. The top of the shaft is cut flat, not broken and has the remains of four iron pins – possibly sundial fixings.

Mumby had a market charter, granted in 1310, and may also have had a market cross.

Mumby churchyard cross (photo AP)
Mumby cross – Iron pins on the flat top of the shaft – possible sundial fixing? (photo Martin Roe)

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