A section of cross shaft upstanding in the churchyard of St Nicholas at Walcot near Folkingham
Parish/DistrictWalcot near Folkingham/North Kesteven
Locationsouth east of the south porch of St. Nicholas church
CategoryChurchyard cross
National Grid RefTF 06006 35133
DesignationListed II
Stone TypeLimestone
RefsDavies, D S, 1913, Lincs Notes and Queries, Vol XII No.5, p.149
VisitsAP: NV| DS/HH: 20 Dec 2000

There is a standing cross shaft amongst gravestones to the south west of the south porch of St Nicholas church in Walcot. Records suggest this is a shaft only, with no socket stone below, but none of us have checked.

Davies (1913) records it as octagonal and 1.82m high, with a sundial on top. – The iron gnomon (which is very simple) is still there.

Churchyard cross at St Nicholas, Walcot – It is not thought to have a socket stone

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