Utterby churchyard cross photographed by Hilary in 1991 – by 1998 it was completely covered over.
Parish/DistrictUtterby/East Lindsey
Locationin the churchyard of St Andrew’s Church, to the south east of the south porch
CategoryChurchyard cross
National Grid RefTF 30603 93239
DesignationScheduled / Listed II
Stone TypeLimestone
RefsAP Survey 23 Jan 1998; Davies, D S, 1915, Lincolnshire Notes & Queries, Vol XIII No.6, p.221
VisitsAP: 23 Jan 1998 | DS/HH: 23 Aug 2007

There is a churchyard cross south east of the south porch of St Andrew’s Church in Utterby. When Hilary first photographed this cross in December 1991, its two steps were visible but the socket stone was engulfed in ivy (see photo). Six years later when Alison surveyed it for scheduling, all was completely covered by ivy (see her survey drawing) and it seems she must have assessed it by feel alone! Thankfully when Hilary and I visited in 2007, it had been cleared and we were able to make a measured survey of the stones.

The cross comprises two steps and a socket stone which contains a portion of socket, levelled with the to f the socket stone.

The lower step is about 1.6m square in plan and constructed of limestone slabs. The second step is about 1.2m square and formed from six limestone slabs. Both steps have open joints and look rather loose and wobbly.

The steps support a socket stone that is nearly square (0.65m x 0.62m) and 0.45m high. Part of its upper surface is missing but where it survives, it can be seen to be chamfered.

The socket is central and lead lined. The shaft is 0.3m x 0.27m – which is quite a big shaft for quite a small socket stone! The fragment of shaft is levelled to the top of the socket stone.

Hilary surveying Utterby churchyard cross in 2007
Detail of Utterby socket stone showing lead-lined socket with a levelled stump of shaft

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