Thornton Curtis churchyard cross – set on three steps and with fleurons carved onto the shaft corners
Parish/DistrictThornton Curtis/North Lincolnshire
Locationc. 10m south of St Lawrence’s church
CategoryChurchyard cross
National Grid RefTA 08797 17850
DesignationListed II
Stone TypeLimestone
RefsDavies, D S, 1915, Lincs N & Q, Vol XIII No.6,  p.221
VisitsDS/HH: 12 March 2012

There is quite a grand cross in the St Lawrence’s churchyard at Thornton, about 10m south of the nave. It comprises three steps, a shallow plinth and a socket stone containing a portion of shaft which is decorated with fleurons.

The steps are formed of limestone blocks and are of square plan – the lowest c. 2.45m, second c.1.88m and top step c.1.42m square. The steps are in poor condition with wide joints repaired with mortar. On the top step rests a chamfered plinth with the socket stone set into it – The plinth is c.0.84m by 0.13m high and is much repaired with mortar.

The socket stone is square (0.6 x 0.6m by 0.28m tall) with a chamfered upper edge and there appear to be carvings (possibly animal heads?) on the corners.

The socket is lead lined and contains a piece of shaft 0.32m N-S by 0.25m E-W and 0.9m high.  The corners are chamfered and moulded to form hollows which have rosettes or fleurons carved in them, each about 75mm diameter. The top of the shaft is worked flat and has a series of iron pins set in lead – possibly a sundial fixing?

Thornton Curtis – there are carvigs, possibly animal heads, on the corners of the socket stone.
Thornton Curtis – the hollow chamfers on the corners of the shaft contain carved rosettes
The shaft top is levelled off and has fixings that may once have held a sundial
Thornton Curtis

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