Skillington village cross was reconstructed on a modern concrete plinth in the 19th century. It is set on a small green to the south west of the church
Parish/DistrictSkillington/South Kesteven
LocationLocated on a small green near the church, bounded by Park Lane and Church Street
CategoryVillage cross (reconstructed)
National Grid RefSK 89591 25851
DesignationListed II
Stone TypeLimestone
RefsDavies, D S, 1913, Lincs N & Q, Vol XII No.5, pp. 146-147
VisitsDS/HH: 5 July 2011

Skillington has a repaired village cross base set on a small green bounded by Park Lane and Church Street, to the south east of the church.

Davies (1913) records that the cross formerly stood in the village square and was moved to its present position, but the 1888 O.S. map shows both this cross (marked as ‘Cross remains of’) and a cross on the village square (marked as ‘Cross Site of’) so it is not really clear what has moved where?

The cross has two steps, a socket stone a short stump of shaft. The whole assembly is mounted on a modern chamfered concrete slab.

The steps look to be formed of medieval stones but are very patched and repaired. The socket stone is 0.85m square and 0.33m high with stops on the corners forming an octagon. The shaft (0.28m square) is set diagonally in the socket stone (unusual!) . It is chamfered and stopped (and very eroded) and rises to 0.44m high.

Locally, the cross is known as the Moot Cross . . . possibly meaning a ‘speaking place’ or a place for statements and declarations?

The 1888 O.S. map shows the site of this cross (top left) and another cross on the village square (centre) – Are remains of both combined in the present village cross? (Map: N.L.S.)
Skillington village cross on a small green near the church – this may be the cross from the village square relocated here in the 19th century

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