Grayingham cross base on the verge, next to the Old School House (from Googlemaps)
Parish/DistrictGrayingham/West Lindsey
LocationOutside the Old School House, Low Road, Grayingham
CategoryVillage Cross
National Grid RefSK 93482 96135
Stone typeLimestone
RefsAP survey 22 Jan 1998; Lincs HER record
VisitsAP 22 Jan 1998 | DS/HH Not visited

There is a cross base lying by the side of Low Road, Grayingham, near to the Old School House. It has been known locally as the Plague Stone but there does not appear to be any local tradition to back up this suggestion, which is probably just based on its form (i.e. a big square stone with a recess in it).

It is of limestone and measures 0.88 x 0.88m square and is 0.4m tall. It has a chamfered top edge. The socket is 0.32 x 0.28m and is c.0.16m deep.

The stone is covered in moss and the socket is full of soil.

Grayingham held a market charter from 1265 – this may be a remnant of a market cross?

Grayingham cross base – partially obscured by a small bush (Googlemaps)

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