Fulstow churchyard cross (photo: Richard Croft)
Parish/DistrictFulstow/East Lindsey
LocationTo the south east of the south porch in the churchyard of St Lawrence’s church
CategoryChurchyard cross
National Grid RefTF 32415 97733
Stone typeLimestone
RefsA P Survey 23 Jan 1998; Davies, D. S., 1915, Lincs N & Q, Vol XIII No.5, p.147
VisitsAP: 23 Jan 1998 | DS/HH: not visited

Fulstow’s churchyard cross is south east of the south porch of St Lawrence’s church. It comprises a socket stone set on a single step, with a surviving portion of shaft.

The socket stone is c. 0.78m square with a chamfered upper edge. The shaft is rectangular and set into the socket stone. It has broach stops to chamfered corners rising in tapering octagonal section to a height of 1.15m. The top of the stone is flat. The shaft is in a very weathered state with part eroded away.

A cruciform cross head located above the doorway of the south porch is reported to be that of the cross.

Fulstow churchyard cross – showing eroded state of shaft fragment (Photo SLHA/DB)

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