Other cross hunters and researchers are probably more skilled than I am at searching the internet for county lists of standing crosses – There are many sites out there in a mind-boggling array of design, complexity and completeness. Naturally enough, I think mine is the best!
The online Historic Environment Records (HERs) for individual counties are indispensable (Lincolnshire’s is HERE) and the national grouping of HER resources at HERITAGE GATEWAY is often a quick route if you don’t know the county link. Many/most crosses are listed or scheduled, so can be tracked down through Historic England’s SEARCH THE LIST pages.
Here are few county links to other Crosses Websites to start you off. Please let me know of any more that I can add to the list:
- DERBYSHIRE: https://derbyshireheritage.co.uk/historical/ancient-derbyshire-crosses/
- HEREFORDSHIRE (an online book): https://www.woolhopeclub.org.uk/document/other/old-standing-crosses-herefordshire
- NORFOLK: http://www.georgeplunkett.co.uk/Norfolk/crosses.htm
- NORFOLK: https://www.hiddenea.com/Survey%20by%20Parish%20Intro.htm
- NOTTINGHAMSHIRE: http://www.nottshistory.org.uk/books/stapleton1912/crosses1.htm
- NORTHERN ARCHAEOLOGY: https://www.thenorthernantiquarian.org/sites/crosses/